[email protected] +91 9289882897

Services to Corporate Customers

  • Incorporation of Company (Including OPC, Nidhi Company, Under Section 8, etc.)
  • Incorporation of LLP (Limited Liability Partnership)
  • Directors KYC
  • Preparing Share Certificates
  • Appointment of Auditor (Filing of Form Adt-1)
  • Company Active Compliance (filing of form INC-22A)
  • Filing of Form 20A (Applicable To Companies Incorporated After 2nd November, 2018.)
  • Preparing Financial Statement
  • Preparing & Maintaining Fixed Assets Registers (FAR)
  • Preparing & Filing of Annual Return (AOC 4, MGT 7 & XBRL)
  • Preparing & Filing of Annual Return of LLP
  • Maintenance of Statutory Registers, Minute Books & Records
  • Filing of Form MSME-I
  • Filing of Form DPT-3
  • Transfer and Transmission of Shares
  • All Compliance Under Companies Act.
  • Digital Signature Certificate(DSC)

Our professional team have extensive knowledge in the fields of Corporate Compliance. We are providing consulting services for Incorporation of Company, One Person Company, Nidhi Company, Under Section 8, etc., Incorporation of Limited Liability Partnership, Directors KYC, Preparing Share Certificates, Filing Annual Return (AOC 4, MGT 7 & XBRL) and different Forms, Preparing Financial Statement, Preparing & Maintaining Far, Prepare & Filing of Annual Return of Limited Liability Partnership.

We are preparing and maintaining Fixes asset Registers, Directors Register, Share Holders Register, Other Statutory Registers. We are preparing agenda for Board Meeting, Minutes of the Meetings, Attendance Register, Minute Books & other records. We are preparing forms for Transfer and Transmission of Shares and filing the same. We are providing digital signature. We are doing all these compliances in digital platform to avoid time and cost of our clients. We are doing compliance on time; therefore, there is no chances of paying penalty and our clients are living hassle free life.

Why our team is special in these fields ?

There are certain special skills we have, which are :

Knowledge on Tax Law & Rules (Direct Tax & Indirect Tax).

Digital Platform to file Return and Other Forms.

Time Management System

Deal with Complex Processes

Moto is to Resolve Problems

Planning in well advance

End to End Solutions

Organizational Skills

Good Communication Skills

Maintaining, Handling and Keeping Data and Records carefully

Very Co-Operative and Deal with smile

Careful & Sincere

Wanna Talk To Us

Please feel free to contact us. We’re super happy to talk to you. Feel free to ask anything.